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时间:2022-09-22 00:02:56 作者:星火作文 字数:2797字






My experience as player, coach and manager has prepared me for this ultimate challenge.───当球员、教练和主教练的经历锻炼了我,使我能够应对这一终极挑战。

Tony Woodcock has joined German amateur team SC Brueck as coach.───托尼·伍德科克加盟德国业余队SC布吕克队担任教练。

The coach sent two players in.───教练派两名运动员上场.

The coach tried to get his charges motivated.───该教练设法激励他的队员们。

The coach tried to analyse the cause of our defeat.───教练努力设法分析我们失败的原因.

Bill has been warming the bench for three football seasons, he hopes that the coach will let him play this year.───比尔一连在三个足球赛季都坐冷板凳; 他希望教练今年会让他上场比赛.

The baseball veteran loved to coach young players.───这位棒球老手喜欢指导年轻选手.

As we headed back to Calais, the coach was badly delayed by roadworks.───返回加来时,由于道路施工,我们乘坐的长途大巴严重误点。


The coach psyched the team before the game.

We usually go by coach.

He plunked himself down on a coach.

The coach analyzed the cause of our defeat.

The coach called a time-out to discuss strategy.