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时间:2022-09-22 00:05:04 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2807字


Originated in


发源于───Originated in


The distillation of rose petals to produce rosewater almost certainly originated in Ancient Persia.───用玫瑰花瓣提炼制造玫瑰水几乎可以肯定是起源于古波斯。

The disease originated in Africa.───这种疾病起源于非洲。

Farming originated in these conditions.───农业起源于这些条件。

It Originated in north China an ancient varieties, the use of many dogs have been used for hunting, herding, carting, protect home!───它起源于中国北部地区的一个古老品种,这种多用途犬曾被用来狩猎、放牧、拉车、护家!

For him it was not enough that there might be disorders of the body that originated in the brain.───在他看来,单是认为大脑可能导致身体变化这一点还不够。

I would not be surprised if the majority of certain global financial activities now originated in a few jurisdictions in this region.───如果说某些与全球金融活动相关的业务源头大部分都已集中在亚洲区内,我并不会感到惊讶。


The Arbor Day originated in the United States.

The art of portrait miniatures was originated in England.

The disease originated in Africa.

Yoga originated in the East.

The quarrel originated in rivalry between the two families.