A witness must depose to such facts as are within his own knowledge.───证人必须宣誓证明他所知道的事实.
I will depose you from your office, and you will be ousted from your position.───我必赶逐你离开官职.你必从你的原位撤下.
Meanwhile, the revolutionaries prepare to stage a coup and depose the king.───而正在此时, 革命者正准备发起攻击,推翻国王.
Yor can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually you'll have to pay a depose.───在很多地方都可以租到自行车, 通常,你要为此支付租赁费.
from the throne; depose.───从宝座上移走;免除。
It is vital for the lengthy and difficult reconstruction of Libya that Libyans themselves depose Colonel Qaddafi.───鉴于利比亚的重建将会漫长而困难,利比亚人民需要自己来罢黜卡扎菲,这十分重要。
The emperor attempted to depose the Pope.───皇帝企图废黜教皇.
Investigators depose the witness behind closed doors.───调查组对证人闭门取证.
The committee deposed him from his office.
The head of state was deposed by the army.
He deposed his father in a palace coup in 1970.
Haiti's first elected president was deposed in a violent military coup .
The deposed chief was restored .