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时间:2022-09-22 08:05:21 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3463字




超大───Super large;尺寸───size


The machine adopts programmable control system, super large touch screen, visual and understandable.───本机采用可编辑程序控制系统,超大触摸屏,直观,易懂。

It's a small company and at 4.5 million page-views/month it's large but not super large.───它是个小公司,每月的PV量在450万左右,这不是个小数字,但也并不是很大。

RCS) of an object with super large electrical size computed by this method shows the.───一个超大电尺寸目标RCS的计算实例充分证明了该方法的高效性和实用性。

More importantly, the video album of super-large capacity to accommodate hundreds of photos, like a magazine easy to carry.───更为重要的是影像画册的超大容量可以容纳几百张照片,犹如一本杂志携带方便。

After nearly two hundred years of development, Suspension bridge has become one of the best choice when super large-span bridge is needed.───悬索桥经历了近两百年的发展,已成为超大跨度桥梁的最优选择桥型之一。

Therefore, it is a new attempt to apply low-pylon cable-stayed bridge to a super large railway bridge from Beijing to Shanghai.───在建的天津枢纽津沪联络线特大桥是我国把矮塔斜拉桥这种桥型用于铁路建设的一次新的尝试。


The said method can be applied to design calculation of practical engineering structures such as super large bridge crane, track laying machine, bridge erecting machine, gantry cran...

Lined in tidy order on either side of the "streets" of the old urban quarter of Kasbah are traditional arc gates, and messages of modern cities of Algeria are flowing from a super large screen.

The Dongping super large gold deposit has close relation with the Shuiquangou alkalic complex.

Sandstone type uranium deposits in interlayer oxidation zone are large or super large and in - situ leachable.