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时间:2022-09-22 12:01:11 作者:语文迷 字数:2309字


Wang she


王社───Wang she


Granny Wang she finished telling the story to her grandson.───奶奶给孙子讲完故事才睡觉。

When Wang Ping asked Zhang Ying for a date, she gave him the cold shoulder.───王平请张英跟他定约会时,她爱搭不理。

Passing Wang She Gang, we arrived Village Stone Valley at the neck of Mountain Pig.───走过王舍岗,来的猪大山颈部的石坑村了。

In her early years in business, says Ms Wang, she would spend entire nights at work.───王雪红说,刚开始经商的时候,她会整夜整夜地工作。

When he saw Mrs. Wang, she was talking on the phone.───当他看到王太太,她正在讲电话。

Introduce according to Miss Wang, she was used embedded chest, can increase the size that puts clothings , quilt so.───据王小姐介绍,她采用了嵌入式衣柜,这样可以增加摆放衣物、被子的容量。
