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时间:2022-09-22 12:02:24 作者:学习啦 字数:3539字






Lantana grows so thickly that young trees often fail to take root.───马缨丹长得很茂密,以至于幼树常常无法生根。

various aromatic, chiefly tropical shrubs of the genus Lantana, having dense spikes or heads and small colorful flowers.───马缨丹属各种芳香植物的任一种,主要是热带灌木类马缨丹属,有浓密的穗状花序或头状花序和颜色鲜艳的小。

Objective:To provide the foundation for reasonable utilization by analyzing the essential oils of Lantana camara L. in the leaf and the flower part.───目的:通过对马缨丹的叶和花部位挥发油中化学成分的分析比较研究,为马缨丹的开发利用提供依据。

A single careless act (think of the introduction of the rabbit or the lantana plant to Australia) can transform the ecology of a continent.───一不留神(想到兔子或是澳大利亚的马樱丹草的引入)能改变一个大陆的生态。

LANTANA, Fla. - It seems a father's plan to cure his daughter's fear of heights fell short.───这看起来似乎是一位父亲为救治女儿的恐高症而付出的良苦用心。

Biological activity of aqueous extract and volatile oil from the leaf of Lantana camara and its chemical constituents───马缨丹叶片水提物与挥发油的生物活性及化学成分研究


Lantana camara is a highly invasive alien plant of Verbenaceae family, and now is spreading rapidly throughout the south-central of China, especially in southern China.

This indicated that Lantana camara had strong allelopathic effects, and would be beneficial to enhance its capacity of interspecific competition and to promote invasion.

Any of various aromatic, chiefly tropical shrubs of the genus Lantana, having dense spikes or heads and small colorful flowers.

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A single careless act (think of the introduction of the rabbit or the lantana plant to Australia) can transform the ecology of a continent.