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时间:2022-09-22 12:03:53 作者:趣历史 字数:2934字






The university conferred on him the title of LL. D .───该学院授予他法学 博士 称号.

With no direct descendent, who will succeed to the title?───没有直系后裔, 谁来继承爵位 呢 ?

Bremer and Garland harmonize on the title song, "Meet Me in St. Louis".───布雷默和加兰为主题曲《相逢圣路易斯》配和声。

Frost holed a bunker shot from 50 feet to snatch the title by one stroke.───弗罗斯特在50英尺外的沙坑中击球入穴,以一杆的优势获得冠军。

While some of his peers might quarrel with the title, his credentials remain impressive.───尽管他的一些同龄人也许并不认同这个称号,他的资历仍然令人钦佩不已。

Unfortunately for the Prince, his title brought obligations as well as privileges.───可惜对于王子来说,封号赋予他特权的同时也给他带来了义务。

aspirants to the title of world champion───有志夺取世界冠军的人

We're still in the hunt for the League title and we want to go all the way in the Cup.───我们仍有机会获得联赛冠军,而且我们还想一路杀进足总杯决赛。


The title is in bold print.

This is a manuscript bearing as a title Ruth.

Publication dates are given in brackets after each title.

Any lingering hopes of winning the title soon disappeared.

The title passes by inheritance to the eldest son.