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时间:2022-09-22 16:01:29 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3273字


You make me crazy


着魔───to be possessed;你───you


is perfectly all right, now and then, for a human to be possessed by the urge to speak, and to speak while others remain silent.───一个人被说话的冲动所支配,在别人保持沉默的时候说话,这是完全正常的。

She seemed to be possessed by the devil.───她好像被魔鬼附身了。

She appeared to be possessed with an actual conviction of Robert's insanity.───她确实深信罗伯特是发疯了,这个念头使她象着了魔似的。

As far as people are concerned, to possess and to be possessed is often a mutually satisfactory relationship.───只要人们留意,占有和被占有经常是一种相互满足的关系。

Hurstwood saw that she was not to be possessed for the asking , and deferred pressing his suit too warmly.───赫斯渥看出她并不是那种唾手可得的姑娘,因此推迟了他的热切求欢的要求。

The speaker seemed to be possessed of a nervous temperament and his gestures were rapid and unstudied.───那个演讲者似乎显得有些神经质,他的手势急骤而不假思索。


She seemed to be possessed .

Help him to see and recognize the truth, without esteeming yourself to be, in the least, superior to him, or to be possessed of greater endowments .

Generally speaking, to be possessed of mathematical reflective ability, one must experience four stages: unconscious reflection, passive reflection, positive reflection, and conscious reflection.

The Astropath must suddenly appear to be possessed - with lethal consequences.

He was believed to be possessed of every form of power, endued with wisdom, and in his dominion over the human race partial to justice, and with no limit to his goodness and love.