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时间:2022-09-22 16:04:41 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2544字


Card pool


卡池───Card pool


Yes sir. All registered guests can swim in the pool at no extra charge. Just show your key card.───先生。所有登记入住客人,只要出示房卡,都可以免费在游泳池内游泳。

Sucre follows Scuderi to the pool and is convinced he doesn't have the card on him.───苏克雷尾随史古德利来到了泳池,确定他没有将卡带在身上。

The device is an advanced solar cell, no bigger than a typical playing card, which is left floating in a pool of water.───这种器件就是一个很先进的太阳能电池,大小和扑克牌差不多,把它丢到水池里它可以浮在水面上。

To build a deck, a player can choose any number of cards from his or her card pool that are legal with any one hero from the hero pool.───构筑时,牌手可以从自己的卡牌池里面选择任意数量的跟英雄池中任一英雄能合法搭配的卡牌。(拗口吧,就是这个意思。)

With unique one : With the 4th card that already 3 bright bright cards have been last of card pool, tabletop───和绝张:和牌池、桌面已亮明的3张牌所剩的第4张牌
