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时间:2022-09-23 00:01:23 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2979字




难为───Difficult to do;情───feeling


This is not difficult to do for both dumps and create operations.───这实现起来并不困难,包括转储和创建两个操作。

I want you guys to think about why it was difficult to do it another way, which is more pedestrian.───我希望你们能思考一下为什么用另一种更普遍的方法来做比较困难。

It may be difficult to do at first. Don't let this discourage you.───开始时做起来也许比较困难。不要让这个泄你的气。

Understand that this may be tremendously difficult to do if one lives in the density of the city, even when intended.───你需要理解,如果你居住在城市的致密中,甚至连这个意图也有可能是极困难的。

A lot of students have such feeling " see a book seem to understand, do it is very difficult to do a problem to feel " .───很多学生都有这样的感觉“看看书好像都懂,做做题觉得很难”。

It would not have been difficult to do this, with a few snares stretched at the openings of the burrows.───要想捉住它们并不困难,只要在洞口布置几个圈套就行了。


This is quite difficult to do unless you are sure you want to give up that last feed.

It may be difficult to do at first. Don't let this discourage you.

It is difficult to do with her.

That is difficult to do by examining tumors under a microscope.

Don't you find him difficult to do with?