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时间:2022-09-23 04:03:20 作者:趣历史 字数:2779字


More than you


多于───More than;你───you


Their replies were no more than grunts of acknowledgement.───他们所谓的回答不过是表示承认的咕哝罢了。

These developments were foreseen in embryo more than a decade ago.───这些发展早在十多年前的萌芽阶段就已预见到。

Volunteers constitute more than 95% of The Center's work force.───该中心95%以上的工作人员是志愿者.

Jovial ladies chivvy you into ordering more than you can eat!───热情的女招待会一再推荐,最后点的餐多到吃不下!

More than six million youngsters tune in to Blockbusters every day.───每天有600多万年轻人收看“热门大片”这档节目。

I have had more than my full share of adventures.───我已经有了太多丰富多彩的历险。

Despite his unconventional methods, he has inspired pupils more than anyone else.───尽管他的方法不同寻常,但他给予学生的激励比其他人都要多。

Jones harps on this theme more than on any other.───这个话题最能让琼斯唠叨个没完。


A secret between more than two is no secret.

Kind hearts are more than coronets.

Words cut [hurt] more than swords.

The company owes money to more than 60 banks.

Four eyes see more than two.