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时间:2022-09-23 08:01:15 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2808字


Tainted witness


污点证人───Tainted witness


paper makes an observation and assessment of the system of tainted witness in the United States, which is perfect.───美国的污点证人刑事责任豁免制度最为完善,本文对此作了考察和评析。

of tainted witness and the principle of balancing interests in practice are the theoretical foundation of immunity to tainted witness.───污点证人的不受强迫自证其罪权和实践中的利益权衡原则是污点证人豁免的理论基础。

In China, tainted witness immunity has to a certain extent been accepted by society, but there has not been sufficient comprehensive and in-depth research on it.───在我国,污点证人豁免虽然在一定程度上已为社会所接受,但相关理论研究不够全面深入。

That tainted witness was dining with his wife and children at the table right next to Yang s.───那时那位前警司正和他的妻儿用膳,杨铁梁刚好坐在邻桌。

In consideration of this, exploration in depth the tainted witness system contains a significant practice value in it.───鉴于此,深入探讨污点证人制度具有十分重要的现实意义。

Tainted witness immunity system of the first generated in the United States, is a disposition of the criminal justice measures.───污点证人豁免制度最早产生于美国,是一项刑事司法处置措施。
