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时间:2022-09-23 12:00:17 作者:语文迷 字数:3152字






Boss Skua: I got two words for you . " Alien abduction ".───我给你5个字: 外星人 劫持.

Boss Skua: What do you mean " unbelievable "?───你说 “ 难以置信 ” 算什么意思?

Boss Skua: It was humiliating. What more do you want?───这有够丢脸的了, 你还想 怎么样 ?

Boss Skua: Shut up! A little fluffy boy asked me a perceptive question. A question like that deserves always an answer.───闭嘴。一个小男孩问了个好问题。像这样的问题值得好好回答一下。

For animal and bird lovers, there is plenty of action in the form of penguins, sea birds, swallows, skua and fur sea lions (a type of seal).───但对于动物和鸟类爱好者来说,这里有无数的企鹅,海鸟,燕子,贼鸥和毛皮海狮(一种海豹)。

Boss Skua: Quiet! Now, little buddy. There was something out there. Creatures, not like us, bigger, fiercer, and smarter, ask me why I know.───安静!告诉你吧,小家伙,世上有一种生物,完全不像我们,它们更大,更凶猛,也更聪明。问我怎么会知道?


Brown and McCormick's skuas and Wilson's petrels fly as far as temperate latitudes of the northern hemisphere.

As a result, the great skua population is now 200 times larger than it was a century ago.

Boss Skua: Yeah, yeah, I guess my pitiful quest for mercy had appealed to their better nature.

Immature distinguishable from other immature skuas by small size, smaller bill and much less white in wings.

Also Arctic Skua. Again, full dark collar, brilliant white belly and white flash at the base of the under-primaries.