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时间:2022-09-23 16:01:18 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3209字


Go for an outing in the Forest Park


森林公园───Forest Park;郊游───Outing


South Gate of Forest Park, Line 8, Beijing Subway.───北京地铁8号线森林公园南门站.

We are going to the forest park.───我们要去森林公园.

Even though the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year.───尽管森林公园很远,但每年还是有很多游客去那里观光。

Forest park as a new industry, requires modem ideology and up - to - date management.───森林公园作为一种新型产业, 需要有现代的经营理念、现代的经营方法.

How did you go to the forest park?───你们是怎么去森林公园的?

How about going to the newly - built Forest Park?───新建的森林公园 怎么样 ?

The development of urban forestry promotes the construction of urban forest park.───城市林业的发展带动了城市森林公园的建设.

Forest park, for, native son, prevention disease, can rise obvious function.───森林公园, 对于, 当地人, 预防疾病, 可以起到明显作用.


Training facility for Sumatran Elephants(Elephas maximus sumatrensis) in Sultan Sarief Qosim Forest Park.

Also in Forest Park is the art museum designed by Cass Gilbert.

Martyrs Memorial and the Cham Shan Monastery east, south resort area, West, North Zhongshan Park, Beech Forest Park.

An afternoon at the beachside Bijilo Forest Park – a mile up the coast – gave us the chance to wander among baobabs, spotting hornbills, red colobus and green vervet monkeys.

Through monitoring at Wuying National Forest Park in Yichun, the authors find that the result of Lenard effect is the most notable in all generable mechanisms of NAI.