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时间:2022-09-23 16:03:27 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2824字


Rewriting and overloading


重写───rewrite;重载───heavy load


Some players change or rewrite requirements.───有些成员改变或重写了需求.

Following this critique, students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation.───遵照这一评语,学生们重写他们的论文并交上去以接受终审。

When you rewrite the paper I advise you to omit the last sentences.───在你重写这篇文章时,我建议你删去最后的一些句子.

Rewrite your software from scratch , copying and tailoring useful parts of existing software.───从已存在的软件上分离,考贝, 裁剪出有用的部份重写你的程序.

Following this critique, students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation.───学生们遵照这一评语修改了他们的论文,并交上去进行最后的评审。

Read these sentences aloud and rewrite them after the model.───朗读下面句子,仿照例子重写这些句子.

The main task of the implementation is to rewrite the validation method.───实现的主要任务是重写确认方法.

Each group had the opportunity to rewrite their messages to reflect risk communication principles.───每个组都有机会重写信息以体现出风险沟通原则.


The news of the revolt meant she had to rewrite her speech.