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时间:2022-09-23 20:00:17 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2616字


In secret


密地───In secret


They blow the coals in secret, prompting me to revenge.───他们暗地里火上加油, 激励我报复.

They made their plans in secret to harm me.───他们密谋害我.

I made many preparatory experiments in secret, and have been satisfied with them.───我悄悄地做了几次试验,试验的结果, 我十分满意.

Dan found out that I had been meeting my ex-boyfriend in secret.───丹发现我一直在跟前男友偷偷见面。

The old doctor in secret struggled to bring back his son, yet he himself was exhausted.───老迈的医生苦苦地挣扎着,想把孩子带回家, 可他已经精疲力尽了.

I tried to devour my repentance and disgust in secret.───我竭力暗自吞咽我的后悔和憎恨.

Then he added, raising his voice,'I grieve to inform the society -- in secret.───然后他放开了嗓门说, “ 我遗憾地转告 诸位 一一密号. ”

Openly he professed loyalty, but in secret he was fanning the flame of sedition.───他表面上伪装忠诚, 暗地里却在煽动闹事.


Partisan fighters fought in secret against the enemy.