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时间:2022-09-23 20:05:17 作者:学习啦 字数:2991字


Plush thickening




This paper introduces production process, morphological structure and performance of yak cashmere and hair.───介绍了牦牛绒、毛的生产过程 、 形态结构特征和性能特点.

"A cashmere sweater still thrills me," she admits. "It has wonderful staying power; it looks chic and modern."───“羊绒衫仍是我的最爱,”她承认,“它不会过时,看起来既漂亮又时尚。”

It has the advantages of both cashmere and mulberry silk.───它具有羊绒和桑蚕丝两者的优点。

We produce all kinds of woolen yarn such as cashmere , wool angora blended , 8 NM ~28 NM.───我们生产各种比例的粗梳纱线,像山羊绒 、 羊毛、兔毛 、 尼龙等,支数在8~28支.

She wore a cashmere scarf, silk suit and pearls.───她围了一条开士米围巾, 穿了一身丝绸套装,戴了一串珍珠.

Cashmere is valued for its softness and smooth warmth without much weight.───开司米的价值在于它的柔软和不需要什么重量的温暖.

It also selected the proper mercerizing and finishing Methods : To produce imitation cashmere overcoat woolen cloth.───正确选择丝光处理方法加以适当的后整理生产仿羊绒大衣呢,效果好,效益佳.

Shanxi Hall and the entire section is now Church are woven cashmere factory Baoding site.───现三晋会馆与全节堂均为保定织绒厂厂址.


She wore a cashmere scarf, silk suit and pearls.