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时间:2022-09-24 00:00:49 作者:学习啦 字数:2976字


How Jackie Chan looks


成龙───Jackie Chan;长相───looks


Tsang explained to the media: The biggest problem is that Jackie Chan can not speak!───曾志伟就向媒体解释道: 成龙最大的问题就是不会说话!

They are going to see a Jackie Chan film.───52他们要去看成龙的电影.

Could you tell me who Jackie Chan is?───你能告诉我JackieChan是谁 吗 ?

Do you know how Jackie Chan measures his worth?───你知道成龙用什么来衡量他自身价值 吗 ?

Will we ever see a Jackie Chan – Bollywood collaboration?───我们还能看到成龙和宝莱坞的合作 吗 ?

My favorite actor is Jackie Chan and her favorite actress is Yang Ziqiong.───我钟爱的男演员是成龙,她最喜欢的是女演员杨紫琼.

Jackie Chan is set to star in Steven Spielberg's Tuxedo.───成龙将主演史蒂芬?史匹柏的新片《燕尾服》.

I like Jackie Chan. He's an action star.───我喜欢陈龙, 他是有名的动作巨星.


The star-studded indoor festivities included action star Jackie Chan, Japanese singer Shinji Tanimura, concert pianist Lang Lang and opera star Andrea Bocelli, among 2, 300 performers.

I've always wanted to do martial arts - maybe I saw too many Jackie Chan movies at an impressionable age.

Belvedere : That'll be tough. Jackie Chan is one of Asia's funniest actors.

Will we ever see a Jackie Chan – Bollywood collaboration?

Jackie Chan is the talented actor's stage name.