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时间:2022-09-24 00:05:42 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2523字


The wind is blowing gently




I think it's time to wind up this meeting.───我认为现在该结束这个会议了.

wind will freshen tonight.───今夜风力将加大,气温下降。

Her thin dress did little to bestead her against the chill north wind.───她那件薄薄的衣裳对于防御寒冷的北风没有多少帮助.

The wind struck the car and nearly tipped it over.───风向汽车袭来,几乎把它吹翻.

It's time to wind your watch.───该给表上弦了.

The seeds of dandelion were carried to the meadow by the wind.───风把蒲公英的种子吹到草地上.

A cold wind is whistling.───寒风呼啸.

It'seems quite warm today by contrast with yesterday's icy wind.───与昨天凛冽的寒风一比,今天可算相当暖和了.


A window slammed shut in the wind.

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.

A little wind kindles, much puts out the fire.

The torch flared in the wind.