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时间:2022-09-24 04:04:22 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2662字


Five Spirits


五灵───Five Spirits


falling in love in high school, Jobs and Brennan, kindred counterculture spirits, had an on-again, off-again romance over five years.───高中时,乔布斯与布伦南因为对反主流文化精神志趣相投而陷入爱河,两人经历了长达五年分分合合的恋情。

On a scorching afternoon, family gathered in the living room to play with Mehek, now five months old, sporting a small dot on her eyebrow to ward off evil spirits.───在一个炎热的午后,全家人聚在起居室里和五个月大的美哈克玩耍。 他们在她眉间点上了吉祥的圆点,以求消灾避邪。

Without further ado, di Gong rate of men disguised military head out of the city to trace, in the depths Mangshan abandoned village on the spirits to find five new Ukrainian Punta carriage.───事不宜迟,狄公率手下军头化装出城追查,在邙山深处已废弃的上灵村,找到五辆崭新的乌蓬马车。

Finding Report of Strengthening Ideal Faith and Education of "Five Spirits"───关于加强理想信念和“五种精神”教育的调查报告

Five Spirits Education is the Perpetual Theme in College Moral Training───五种精神教育是学校德育教育的永恒主题
