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时间:2022-09-24 08:00:17 作者:星火作文 字数:2783字


study diligently


韦编三绝───study diligently


I shall study diligently and obey the rules and regulations.───本人将努力学习并遵守学校的规章制度。

I'll study diligently and repay him by securing a bright future for myself.───我会努力学习,用自己的美好未来来回报他。

Starts from the present to study diligently.───从现在开始努力学习。

Life in middle school might be busy, but I still study diligently, and my marks are above average in class and in my grade.───初中的生活很繁忙,但我依然刻苦努力地学习,成绩在班里和年级里处于中上水平。

I will only say that some simple Korean, the spoken language and the grammar will not be very good, but I even more study diligently.───我只会说一些简单的韩文,口语和语法不是很好,不过我会更加努力的学习。

Review study diligently than any of the keys have more, that in itself is the biggest keys.───踏踏实实复习比学习任何窍门都有用的多,这本身就是最大的窍门。


The next settled earnest study, diligently will make up, will completely the time this research is completer.

Kit is a good group of unrivaled international study, diligently explore, innovate, never satisfied companies.