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时间:2022-09-24 12:02:58 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2496字


I want to cry


难受想───Hard to think about;哭───cry


I find it hard to think about abstract ideas like the meaning of life.───我发现思考生命的意义这类抽象概念并不容易。

's just so hard to think about all of those practical things and make good work, you know.───你知道,要想把所有这些实际的东西都考虑进去并做好工作是很难的。

If something is hard to think about then people tend to believe it less.───如果某事物难于理解,那么人们就不易相信它。

AMERICA'S federal debt is so vast that it is hard to think about: a few billion here or there seems to make little odds.───美国联邦债务大到让人难以想象:分散在各处的数十亿美元似乎都无足轻重。

To be honest, I think most families find it hard to think about any relative in an erotic light.───实话实说,我觉得大多数的家庭成员都很难想象自己的亲人是要做爱的。

You hate your boss so much that it's hard to think about anything else.───你非常讨厌老板以至于不能干别的事。
