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时间:2022-09-24 12:06:16 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2528字


On this morning


这天───that day;早上───morning


That day, everything gelled.───那天,一切都很顺利。

was kind to me that day.───那天我很幸运。

That day they all put on their very best dress.───那天,他们都穿上了最好的衣服.

felt wintry cold that day.───那天感觉像冬天一样寒冷。

I have never seen anything remotely resembling the horrors of that day.───我从没见过一点儿类似于那天的恐怖景象.

It was bitterly cold that day.───那天天气严寒.

That day marked the beginning of a 20-year estrangement.───从那一天开始了长达20年的互不往来。

He converted to Christianity that day.───那天,他皈依了基督教。


Actually I wanted to say on that day,Shall we never get apart,OK?

Don't come at me, I did nothing that day.

I wasn't feeling especially happy that day.

The events of that day were just a blur.

Exhausted by their exploits that day the two boys had supper and fell asleep, dead to the world.