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时间:2022-09-24 16:01:59 作者:语文迷 字数:2867字


Warning signs




At intervals there were red warning lights.───红色警示灯一明一灭地闪着。

She ignored the warning signals.───她忽视了一些预警信号。

As a warning shot across the bows of rivals, it is already setting aggressive prices.───作为对竞争对手的一个警告,其已报出了很有杀伤力的价格。

Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river.───医生发出警告不要吃在那条河里捕的鱼。

She winked a warning to the talkative boy.───她向那个多嘴的男孩使了一个表示警告的眼色.

Furniture in the classroom should not be changed around without warning the blind child.───教室中的桌椅如需要挪动,应事先告诉这个盲童。

When police realised who he was, they asked for an autograph and let him off with a warning.───警察知道他是谁后,便向他要了签名,然后只给了他个警告就放他走了。

Mortlake strode on, ignoring the car, in spite of a further warning hoot.───莫特莱克继续大步前行,不理会那辆汽车,尽管它又鸣喇叭警告。


We heard a shout of warning.

The bridge collapsed without warning.

Don't ignore the fog warning signs .

He preceded his speech with a warning against inattention.

Because of her warning, I was careful.