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时间:2022-09-24 20:01:15 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3033字


Join the team


入队───Join the team


If necessary, I don't hesitate to join the team.───如果有必要,我会毫不犹豫地加入到团队当中。

I want to join the team to get the shoes," said Clinton.───克林顿说他也想加入,因为他想要一双球队队员穿的皮鞋。

We require previous work in order to join the team.───我们需要以前的工作,以加入我们的团队。

Just after the game in the tunnel, he told me that he wanted me to join the team and asked if I was interested.───就在比赛结束后在球员通道里,他告诉我说他希望我能加入切尔西,并且问我是否有兴趣。

Li will join the team in Napa Valley, Calif. , for a week-long stay as it prepares for the 2007 season.───李超然将在加利福尼亚的纳帕山谷与球队会合,并在突袭者备战2007赛季的时候与球队共处一周。

If he also passes the tests I think he will be able to join the team within the next fifteen days.───如果他通过了测试,我想他应该可以在15天之内重返赛场了。


He is scheduled to join the team in Calgary late today if his back is feeling up to it.

Environmental advisers join the team to ensure the best environmental practices are considered during planning and design.

He will join the team on the rally next week.

Bill wanted to let Bob join the team, but I said that was no dice because Bob was too young.

Stock library photographers Ethel Davis and Tom Mackie join the team for a course on new business.