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时间:2022-09-24 20:03:01 作者:趣历史 字数:3135字






Sufu and lobster sauce are Chinese traditional fermented soybean products, which are fermented by microorganisms.───腐乳和豆豉是中国的传统发酵豆制品,它们都是大豆经微生物发酵酿制的产品。

The traditional condiments such as soy sauce, vinegar, paste and sufu are produced aged in jar.───传统酱缸工艺生产的产品有酱油 、 食醋 、 酱、腐乳等调味品.

key equipments used in sufu production were summarized.───综述了腐乳生产关键设备。

Sufu is the traditional fermented soybean curd cheese with a delicious flavour and rich nutrition in China.───腐乳是中国传统发酵豆制品,具有风味良好,营养丰富等特点。

Sufu fermentation consists of pehtze preparation and ripening according to production stage.───腐乳生产按生产工段可分为前期培菌和后期发酵.

The formation of colour, fragrantness and shape in the process of sufu isespecially correlative with microbe.───腐乳生产过程中色 、 香、味、体的形成都与微生物的作用密切相关.


After summarizing production history and category of Sufu in China, we discussed the familiar problems of Sufu, which included moldiness , white flake, color changing and so on.

Pear is like beauty , beauty of the affectionate childe in old SuFu came after all, memorial.

Mucor flavus is one of the main moulds used in sufu production in the northeast area of China.

The chitinase, chitin deaceylase, chitosanase and N-acetyl-glucosaminase were detected to explore sufu mucor hypha autolysis mechanism in the course of sufu fermentation.