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时间:2022-09-25 04:00:02 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2919字


The consumption is too high




It was an age of conspicuous consumption — those who had money liked to display it.───那是一个炫耀性消费的年代——有钱人都喜欢炫富。

The per capita consumption of alcohol has dropped over the past two years.───在过去两年里,人均酒品消费量降低了。

The food was not fit for human consumption.───这食物不适合人吃。

The production and consumption of goods and services is the ultimate aim of all economic endeavour.───生产并消费商品和服务是一切经济活动的终极目标。

Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather.───燃气和燃油的消耗量在天冷时总会增加。

Energy consumption, congestion and pollution have increased.───能源消耗、交通堵塞以及污染状况愈加严重。

In the developing world cigarette consumption is increasing.───在发展中国家香烟消费正在增长。

The food was declared unfit for human consumption.───这种食品被宣布不适于人吃.


This food is not fit for human consumption.

Computers account for 5% of the country'scommercial electricity consumption.

Vigorous exercise increases oxygen consumption.

It was an age of conspicuous consumption — those who had money liked to display it.

Consumption of alcohol impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery.