clan that lives in a place for many years
The medicine is used to assuage pain.───这种药用来止痛.
The new weapon was too inhumane to be used.───这种新式武器太惨无人道而不宜使用.
She's no less active than she used to be.───她和以往一样的活跃.
They used strings previously treated with powdered glass.───他们使用了事前用玻璃粉末处理过的绳子.
He used photographs as illustration for his talk.───他用照片为他的演讲作图片说明.
Holmes used an informal, chatty tone in his essays.───霍姆斯在文章中语气轻松随便.
Vinegar is used in preserving food.───醋可用来保存食物.
The tools will corrode with rust if never used.───这些工具如长期不用会长铁锈而损坏.
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