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时间:2022-09-25 08:01:06 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2844字


How to deal with it


蹋鸱───How to deal with it


He was scared of human emotion, he didn't understand it or know how to deal with it.───他害怕提及人类的情感。他不懂也不知道怎么处理。

We know — sort of — how to deal with it.───我们知道——某种程度上知道——怎样对付它。

His dour pragmatic side is well-suited to delivering bad news and explaining how to deal with it.───他寡言实干的一面十分适合发布坏消息然后告诉人们怎么去解决。

The instructor was trying to put students in an emotional situation and then taught them how to deal with it.───老师试图把同学们置身于一个令人动情的情境当中,进而教他们如何处理这种情况。

You're not always going to have step-by-step instructions or a model to follow that will tell you how to deal with it.───你并不总是会有一步一步的指导或者告诉你如何处理它、你可以跟着做的模型。

One share-holder in Lasvesa quit the board recently. You know how to deal with it. Here is all the information.───拉丝维萨的一个股东最近退出了董事会。你知道该怎么办。这里是所有相关的情报。


A prime dilemma for all working women is that of overload, and how to deal with it.

At the time, it was the only way I knew how to deal with it.