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时间:2022-09-25 08:03:35 作者:学习啦 字数:3230字






Although things are changing the medical establishment is still overwhelmingly male.───虽然世易时移,但医学界依然是男性的天下。

Although by no means a cure, it goes a long way towards making the patient's life more tolerable.───虽然并不能根治,但它对减轻病人的痛苦大有帮助。

Although she felt ill, she still went to work.───她虽然觉得身体不舒服, 但仍然去上班了.

Although the car is basically sound, I was worried about certain areas.───尽管这辆汽车基本状况良好,我还是担心一些地方不够安全。

He wasn't sure he'd got it right, although the theory attracted him by its logic.───该理论的逻辑性吸引了他,但他不能确定自己的理解是否正确。

Although she came from a family of bankers, Franklin set her sights on a career in scientific research.───尽管出身于银行家家庭,富兰克林还是决心从事科研事业。

Something about the man was familiar, although Hillsden could not immediately place him.───这个男子让人感到有些熟悉,但是希尔斯滕一时认不出他是谁。

The high tax policy is certainly unpopular, although it's unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures.───高赋税政策肯定是不受欢迎的, 但也未必能满足飞涨的军备开支.


Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.

He was honing his razor although it's very sharp.

Although the sun was shining it wasn't very warm.

I like her, although I could cheerfully throttle her at times .

Although there is no overt hostility, black and white students do not mix much.