What can I say
好说───Easy to say;什么───what
With hindsight it is easy to say they should not have released him.───事后才说他们本不应该释放他,这倒容易。
I find it very easy to say no.───我发现说‘不’是件挺容易的事。
's never easy to say sorry.───说对不起不是件容易事。
It always easy to say than to do. Whatever excuse it is, I still believe.───说的总比做的容易,无论借口多么的烂,我还是相信。
Wow. . . really not easy to say the word LOVE and I'm feeling a little shy right now even though I'm not expressing verbally. . . haha!───哇…真的不容易说这个词的爱和我感觉有点害羞现在,即使我没有口头表达…嘿!
It's easy to say that you'll keep running regularly during the holiday season, but sticking to it requires a strategy.───只是说说你会在节假日期间继续有规律地跑步是很容易的,但是坚持下来需要策略。
With hindsight it is easy to say they should not have released him.
That the system must be insulated from political interference is easy to say and difficult, but not impossible, to accomplish.
It's easy to say now what we should have done then — with the wisdom of hind sight!
It was almost easy to say the words to him, and then suddenly he turned away.
It is easy to say that genes condition our nature rather than determining our fate, but it is not very satisfying.