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时间:2022-09-25 12:03:33 作者:趣历史 字数:3152字


I live on a small farm


小农场───Small farm;住在───Live in


She lives on a small farm in the middle of nowhere.───她住在一个偏远的小农场。

The first student left for the small farm in winter.───第一个学生在冬天去了那个小农场。

Once he sent four of his students to go to a small farm to see apple trees in different seasons.───有一次,他派了他的四个学生去一个小农场看不同季节的苹果树。

At the age of eight a hatchet was put into his hands and he began to work on their small farm.───八岁那年,一把斧头被递到他的手里,于是,他就开始在他们的小农场上干起活来。

Pande said he made virtually no money working on the small farm he owned and could not find any other work close to his village.───潘德说,他在老家自己的一块狭小农田里工作,根本赚不到钱。而且在他老家附近一带,也找不到其它工作。

She was one of three slaves. There was a very small farm. It wasn't kind of the notion of a plantation that we have.───她是3名奴隶之一。曾经有一个非常小的农场,而这它不是那种我们想象的种植园。


His small farm provides maintenance, but not much more.

These quintas are large houses in their own spacious grounds which often include a small farm.

Stephen moved out of the city to a small farm owned by a Mrs Dodge.

Amanullah explained that he came from a family who ran a small farm. When the Taliban were still in power he joined a local madrasa where he spent 12 years studying the Qur'an and religion.

She lives on a small farm in the middle of nowhere.