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时间:2022-09-25 16:02:57 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2793字


Tyrannosaurus Rex


雷克斯───Rex;暴龙───Tyrannosaurus Rex


Angus: Rex, I think that was the wrong answer.───安格斯: 雷克斯, 我想你答非所问.

He intercuts scenes of Rex getting more and more desperate with scenes of the abductor with his family.───他在雷克斯逐步陷入绝望和劫持者与他家人一起的场景之间相交切。

Rex Tillerson has maintained the company's stable development and made the company extremely profitable.───雷克斯·蒂勒森却保持了公司的稳定发展,并且使公司获得了超高的利润。

I am glad Rex never saw a trained police dog jump.───雷克斯从未见过训练有素的警犬的跳跃,这倒是我感到欣慰的事情.

The debate over the parental instincts of the T. Rex is now academic.───关于霸王龙父性的论点现在有学术依据了.

And on your left, you have Tyrannosaurus Rex, a carnivore from the Jurassic period.───在您的左边, 您看到的是暴龙, 一种来自侏罗纪的肉食动物.

That's Rex with Uncle Bob and Aunt Patricia.───那个是雷克斯,它跟随着舅舅和舅妈.

Rex: And leading a recording contract with Big Ear Records!───雷克斯: 一分与主要的唱片公司大耳朵的合约!


Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate.