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时间:2022-09-25 20:03:29 作者:星火作文 字数:2672字


No running around the campus


校园───campus;东奔西跑───run around here and there


The beautiful Yi lake , has increased a mystical color for this north campus.───美丽的宜海, 给这北方的校园增添了一份神秘的色彩.

Students at the Belfast campus have access to excellent sports facilities.───在贝尔法斯特校园的学生可以使用极好的体育设施.

The campus covers an area of twenty square kilometres.───这个校园占地二十平方公里.

They lived together in a mixed household on the fringe of a campus.───他们一起住在校园边上一处男女合租的房子里。

Their mood was captured by one who said, "Students here don't know or care about campus issues."───一个人的话道出了他们的心情,“这儿的学生既不了解也不关心校园问题。”

There is a widespread dissatisfaction among the students with the food on campus.───学生们普遍对学校的饭菜不太满意.

From what I hear, half the campus is lusting after her.───从我听到的来看,半个学校的人都想和她上床。

He plays with the birds and butterflies, chats with friends, climb trees on campus.───在校园里,他跟蝴蝶和小鸟玩耍, 跟朋友聊天, 还爬树.
