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时间:2022-09-26 08:05:20 作者:星火作文 字数:2768字


put the claw on sb


借钱───borrow money;某人───someone


Why do you assume the only reason I come here is to borrow money?───你怎么会认为我来的唯一目的就是借钱?

She used to borrow money from her friends.───她常向她的朋友们借钱.

It's extremely dangerous to borrow money from loan sharks.───借高利贷是极端危险的.

Do not borrow money unless you want to be in debt.───除非你想负债,否则不要随便向人借钱.

There was no other way but to borrow money, no matter how high the interest.───她没办法, 不管多大的利息也得马上借到这块钱.

He makes it a rule never to borrow money.───他的规矩是从不向人借钱。

In the ordinary course of events, we can borrow money from the bank.───在通常情况下, 我们可以向银行贷款.

A corporation may borrow money by issuing long - term notes and bonds payable.───一家企业可以通过发行 长期 应付票据和应付债券来借款.


He had to borrow money to save his business.

She used to borrow money from her friends.

She used to borrow money and not bother to pay it back.

Many's the time we've had to borrow money in order to get through the month.

He makes it a rule never to borrow money.