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时间:2022-09-26 12:00:41 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2846字


It's fine now


天晴───It's sunny;现在───Now?


If it's sunny, Beihai Park would be nice.───如果天气晴朗的话,北海公园将是一个好去处。

Yes, it's sunny but not very hot.───是的,阳光灿烂,又不很热。

A If it's sunny, Beihai Park would be nice.───A如果天气晴朗的话,北海公园将是一个好去处。

It's sunny here in London, and even a small traffic accident that has happened to Julia and me, won't be able to spoil our spring mood.───伦敦阳光普照,但是,茱莉亚和我出了一次小车祸,但是这并未影响到我们良好的心情。

I can't believe it. Renee is going to flip! You don't mind, though, do you? It's sunny, you'll have to stay inside all day.───难以置信。蕾内一定会激动得跳起来!你不会介意吧?那里阳光明媚,白天你都得呆在屋里。

Joanna: But look, Mama. It's a fine day. It's sunny, and there are little white clouds in the sky.───乔安娜:可是,妈妈,你看,天很好啊,出着太阳,天上还有小小的白云。


It's sunny, but the air is frosty.

I hope it's sunny tomorrow.

It's sunny today,and you'd better remain out for an hour.

Every time it's sunny I enjoy driving.

And we need to increase foreign exchange reserve, just for rainy days when it's sunny.