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时间:2022-09-26 12:02:38 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3147字


Book market


书市───Book market


But because it's all digital, it eliminates the used book market and eliminates any sharing, and because homework and tests are through an access code, it eliminates any ability to opt out.───但因为它全是数字化的,它消除了二手书市场,也消除了任何共享,而且因为作业和考试都是通过准入码进行的,它消除了任何选择退出的能力。

sales of this sliver of the book market.───这本书只是书海中的一粟,销量并不可知。

All this means that Brazil's book market has the biggest growth potential in the western world.───所有这些都意味着巴西的图书市场在西方世界拥有最大的增长潜力。

"The used book market doesn't seem to have made the inroads into the new book market we initially feared, " he said.───二手图书市场并不是我们最初恐惧的那样,它并未对新书出版市场造成多大冲击。

Until now, copyright was seen as a great achievement and a guarantee for a flourishing book market.───直到现在为止,版权一直被认为是一项伟大成就,并且是实现图书市场繁荣的根本保证。

But out book market and the situation in the whole country can see that the conditions set out in the wireless adhesive.───但是从书籍市场和全国出书情况可以看出,无线胶粘订的情况数量。


Henceforth, the readers again saw their well-beloved books of SMPH brand in the domestic book market.

In her book, market researcher, Selina Goober says those 26traits are what make children fiercely brand loyal and retailers so interested.