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时间:2022-09-26 12:05:02 作者:星火作文 字数:2643字


Chen Shi


陈室───Chen Shi


Shi is forever a clever person, ten thousand ten thousand not ability small Qu.───沈氏一向是个精明人,万万不能小觑。

More what to can annoy BE, Chen Shi not only didn't obstruct, but also Kua Qiao Jean is efficient.───更加可气的是,沈氏非但没有阻止,还夸巧珍勤快。

Have not missed Chen Shi to her gushed is to have a cordiality, incredibly wanted to cry in doctor for her.───没曾想沈氏对她倒是颇有情意,居然要为她去请大夫。

Qiao Jean Zi tooth the mouth open eyes and come into view of would be the cold vision of Chen Shi Sen in the distance not.───巧珍龇牙咧嘴的睁开眼睛,映入眼帘的便是不远处沈氏森冷的目光。

Chen Shi sometimes cuts and polishes to start a side servant girl and always feels to have no idea to entirely see through rich brocade.───沈氏偶尔琢磨起身边丫鬟来,总觉得没法子完全看透锦绣。


As Zhou Yu and Shi Hou set out for Chen, Shi Que sent a letter posthaste to the king of Chen, in which he told him: "The State of Wei has fallen into the hands of two evil men."