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时间:2022-09-26 16:00:52 作者:语文迷 字数:2870字


The composition of making friends notice


交友───make friends;启事───Notice


It was hard for a police officer to make friends outside the force.───一名警官在警察部门之外交朋友很难。

Do not rash to make friends.───交友莫轻率.

He has a pleasant manner, and finds it easy to make friends.───他态度随和, 因此交友很容易.

Our company's purpose: business class products, a first class service. Make friends, explore the development!───我公司的宗旨: 经营一流的产品, 配备一流的服务. 广交朋友, 开拓发展!

You'll find us all wanting to make friends with you.───你会发现我们都希望与你交朋友.

It's terrible for students to use too much time to make friends and talk on line.───利用太多的时间在网上交朋友聊天对于学生来说是很不好的.

Nobody is willing to talk with her, alone make friends with her.───没有人愿意和她讲话, 更别提和她交朋友了.

She found it difficult to make friends because of her natural reserve.───她因天性矜持很难交到朋友。


Mrs. Smith is too contrary to make friends easily.

Simon finds it hard to make friends with other children.

To make enemies, talk; to make friends, listen. 

The best time to make friends is before you need them.

He finds it difficult to make friends.