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时间:2022-09-27 04:00:36 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3062字


Introduce a scenic spot


景点───scenic spot;一个───One


Shall I take a picture of you in this scenic spot.───我在这个观光胜地替您照张相好吗.

Is the nearest Great Harmony scenic spot entrance ticket a number?───最近大同旅游景点门票是多少?

But some people get married outdoors in a scenic spot.───但一些人在景色宜人的露天场地结婚.

The scenic spot is on northwestern outskirts of Beijing.───这个风景区位于北京的西北远郊.

Jiuquxi River is the best tourist attraction of Mt. Wuyi Scenic Spot.───武夷山美在九曲溪,神采奕奕九曲溪是武夷山的灵魂.

Qingshui Bend is yet another major scenic spot of the area.───清水湾蛇曲地貌是这里的另一精品景区.

The resource of Houshan Scenic Spot and the land of 5000 mu around.───吼山风景区所属资源和周边500亩土地.

But some people get married out doors in a scenic spot.───但是也有一些年轻人在户外的风景区举行婚礼.


The scenic spot is on northwestern outskirts of Beijing.

The overall construction of scenic spot of Wozhou Lake will bring severe challenge to water quality protection.

In 2005, Ge's Peach Orchard scenic spot was established during the building of a Sci-tech city, and urban-rural integration movement, where the district, town, village and household will be united.

Loss assessment of debris flow disasters in scenic spot emphasizes impacts of debris flows on the scenic spot itself.

In addition, basic access to the highway scenic spot.