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时间:2022-09-27 04:04:58 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2863字


It's not convenient tonight




It's very inconvenient to have to wait so long.───等这么久很麻烦。

It makes technicians very inconvenient in data processing, fault diagnosis, instruments management and so on.───这给监测技术人员进行数据处理 、 故障诊断和仪器管理带来了很多不便.

Such an arrangement is inconvenient to the future operation and maintenance.───这样布置,对今后操作和维修带来不便.

Nature, clearly, is too inconvenient to fit the modern lifestyle.───明显的, “自然”是跟现代生活方式格格不入的.

In its inconvenient brightness Rosedale seemed to waver a moment.───在这束耀眼的光焰里,罗西德似乎摇摆了一下身体.

The meeting is at inconvenient time for me; I'm afraid I can't come.───会议的时间对我不适合, 恐怕我不能来了.

's no disgrace to be colored," the black entertainer Bert Williams famously observed early in the century, "but it is awfully inconvenient."───作为有色人种并不丢脸,”黑人表演者伯特·威廉姆斯在本世纪初有一句很著名的评论中提到,“但是身为有色人种会极其不方便。”

Yes, it's very inconvenient.───是的, 这样子会很不方便.


Will it be inconvenient for him to attend that meeting?