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时间:2022-09-27 08:04:34 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2943字


The street lights are on


街灯───street lamp;亮───bright


The street lamp hit the red amber, and It'seemed to be glowing, prettier than ever.───街灯照射到她带的红琥珀上面, 琥珀好像在放着荧光, 格外美丽.

Harry stopped under a street lamp and ostentatiously began inspecting the contents of his bag.───哈里在一盏街灯下停了下来,开始显摆地查看包里的东西。

Every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning.───每一盏灯似乎提醒一切由命运注定.

At night, he will look up to the street lamp or at the shadow.───在夜里, 会仰视头顶上的路灯,或者凝视脚下的影子.

Against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.───将长颈鹿系在电线杆或路灯是违法的.

Apply for Street lamp, tunnel lamp spot lamp, flood light, anti - explosion lamp and so on.───路灯 、 隧道灯、投光灯 、 泛光灯 、 防爆 灯等照明领域.

Ev'ry street lamp seems to best a fatalistic warning.───每一盏灯似提醒一切由命运注定.

Beneath the hallo of a street lamp.───就在街灯的光晕之下.


A street lamp shed light over the front part of it where the boardroom table stood.

A street lamp threw faint light and out of it came a young woman.

Ev'ry street lamp seems to best a fatalistic warning.

Neath the halo of a street lamp.

Every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning.