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时间:2022-09-27 12:00:42 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2830字


Buick New Century


别克───Buick;新世纪───New century


The Mercury Marquis was a full - sized luxury car to compete with Buick and Oldsmobile.───墨丘利侯爵型车则是一种大型的豪华车,要与别克和欧尔茨一争高下.

its debut at this month's Shanghai Motor Show.───华美的双门轿车本月在上海汽车展上首次面世。

On tap for 2012 will be a replacement for Buick's again Lucerne.───值得为2012年将取代别克的再次卢塞恩.

Buick: In Search of Excellence.───别克轿车: 志在千里!

Buick is the company's star.───别克是公司明星产品。

He had a beard and he had a crappy black Buick.───他有胡子还有他开了一辆旧的黑色别克.

A Buick is a car with dual exhaust pipes.───别克轿车是有双排气管的汽车.

he drives a Buick?───他真的会去开一辆别克车么?


I'm driving a German - designed Buick alongside a Korean - designed Chevy through the streets of a Chinese city.

Buick dealers were comfortably above average in the latest consumer survey.

Buick exports only the high-end Enclave sport utility vehicle to China and makes the rest of its vehicles locally, with a Chinese partner.

The old Buick barely managed to crawl up the hill.

And for the sheriff with his bog Buick, yes, lots better.