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时间:2022-09-27 12:02:22 作者:星火作文 字数:3466字


intercity bus


客车───Passenger car;长途───long-distance


Numerous other NVH refinements led to a much quieter and enjoyable passenger car.───许多其他的NVH导致更安静和愉快的轿车改进.

Mazda 6 passenger car adopted the advanced automotive technology, and its emission reached Euro 3 standard.───马自达6轿车采用了先进的汽车技术, 其污染物排放控制可达欧3标准.

High - grade passenger car abroad adopts floating floor with high performance of vibration absorption and sound insulation.───国外 高档 客车均采用浮筑地板,浮筑地板具有良好的减振、隔声性能.

In the early 1960 s, Mazda launched its first passenger car models and began developing rotary engines.───在上世纪60年代早期, 马自达开发了其首辆乘用车模型并开始开发引擎.

Reducing vehicle internal noise and improving passenger car environment have become the very urgent matter.───降低车内噪声,改善客车车内环境已成为当务之急.

A prototype of the four-storey passenger car with a dome for viewing the area.───一列4层配有一个圆形观景区的客车原型。

Passenger - car tires are inflated to about 275 to 413 kPa.───载人轿车的轮胎充气量为275千帕到413千帕.

The interior frequency noise of passenger car has direct influence on its comfort.───乘用车的车内低频噪声直接影响其乘座舒适性.


Background: Arizona law limited train lengths to fourteen passenger cars or seventy freight cars in the asserted interests of safety.

An increase in passenger car exports was offset by a 20 percent fall in commercial vehicle exports.

It has become the world's most popular passenger car diesel since it was introduced just over 10 years ago.

Mazda 6 passenger car adopted the advanced automotive technology, and its emission reached Euro 3 standard.

Does at present the passenger car of our country quantity state how?