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时间:2022-09-27 12:05:05 作者:星火作文 字数:2941字






Hemigrammus family of tetras comes in different colors. They are peaceful, hardy shoal fish.───属于灯科鱼类的红鼻剪刀一族拥有不同的色彩. 它们是平和而强壮的群居鱼类.

I pushed on through the shoal water , but now the manatees were also moving toward me.───我继续努力着向前走去, 这时海牛也朝着我这游过来.

The boat struck a shoal and fetched up all standing.───那艘船撞上浅滩突然停了下来。

He was transferred to Shoal Creek Mental Institution for an indefinite period.───他被转到了肖尔溪精神病院,要在那里无限期地呆下去。

FEW minutes later Tom was shoal water of the bar.───几分钟之后,汤姆便到了沙洲的浅水滩上.

A shoal of porpoises are well on the feed.───一群海豚正在吞食.

Recent research had shown that fish recognised individual "shoal mates", social prestige and even tracked relationships.───最近的研究表明鱼可以识别各自的“鱼群伙伴”、社会威望,甚至相关的人际关系。

How can I tell the abyssal zone from the shoal waters?───我怎么区分深水区和浅水区 呀 ?


When I have a shoal of feeding bream in the swim I can not rest easy.

Shoal Creek overflowed its banks Friday.

A shoal of fish swam past heading for the open sea .

The boat ran aground on a shoal.

The small shoal fish shimmer in the background.