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时间:2022-09-27 16:00:23 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3200字






Yurt is a traditional Mongolian dwelling house. It is also an epitome of Mongolian culture.───蒙古包是蒙古的传统民居, 蒙古包文化是整个蒙古文化的缩影.

He brought us back to our yurt.───他是由于看见了凶手才招祸的.

While yurt has become travel, horse riding has become a kind of experience.───而毡房已成为旅游, 骑马成为一种体验.

clear mountain air exaggerates every exterior sound so that the sheep in the pen a hundred meters away sound as if they have surrounded the yurt.───山上清新的空气夸大了每一声室外的声响,所以百米外羊圈里的羊叫听起来好像它们已经包围了这个蒙古包。

the yurt, a low table is laid with a variety of homemade jams, a bowl of thick fresh cream and a basket of homemade bread.───里,有一张矮桌,上面放满了各种自制的果酱,一碗浓厚的鲜奶油和一篮自制的面包。

Mother left the yurt with a barrel of horse milk in her hand.───阿妈从毡包中提了桶马奶出来.

His yurt stood behind the temple.───他的蒙古包就在那座庙背后.

His wife, Asel, lights the iron stove inside the yurt, feeding it with bricks of dried cow dung, and prepares dough to bake the day's bread.───他的妻子艾萨尔在毡房里用干牛粪块点燃了铁炉子,并准备开始拷当天面包的生面团。


Finally, we can get into a Mongolian yurt.

He brought us back to our yurt.

While yurt has become travel, horse riding has become a kind of experience.

Mongolian children, said grid, full language for the yurt, or Mongolian Po.

If yurt accommodation runs out, then there are the chalets.