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时间:2022-09-27 20:02:10 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2453字


size up a situation and act accordingly




What an object you look in that old hat!───你戴着那顶旧帽子,样子可真怪!

We look forward to your reture on an early day.───我们盼望你早日归队.

The girl has a good look.───这个女孩长得很好看.

Look, that's not fair.───注意,那样不公平。

He put on a serious look.───他摆出一副严肃的面孔.

Doesn't he look like that man who's wanted for the jewel robbery?───他不是很像那个因抢劫珠宝而受到通缉的罪犯 吗 ?

He smoked a sheet of glass to look at the sun.───他熏黑了一块玻璃用以观察太阳.

The child knelt down to look for a coin he had dropped.───这个小孩跪下找他掉的一个钱币.


A cat may look at a king.

She had an intent look on her face.

Mountains look beautiful from a distance.

You look good in that shirt.

He may look fierce, but he means no harm.