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时间:2022-09-27 20:03:32 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3136字






result of divination, Apollo was angry with the Greeks. Because Agamemnon robbed his father's maiden, and his father was the high priest of Apollo.───占卜的结果是,阿波罗对希腊人发怒了。因为阿伽门农抢了自己父亲的女仆,而他父亲是阿波罗的大祭司。

But geomancy means divination according to geographic features, so the translation is not entirely correct.───但是土占意指根据地理特征来占卜, 所以这个翻译并非完全正确.

no sorcery against Jacob, no divination against Israel.───没有法术可以害雅各,也没有占卜可以害以色列。

Interpreting what you see in a crystal ball is like any other form of divination.───解释你在水晶球里看见的图像如同做出的任何其它形式的预言一样.

The second form is Divination, or consulting oracles.───第二个形式是占卜或者咨询的乩童.

Divination by the observation of water.───水占术通过观察水来预言.

Therefore there will be night to you, without vision, And darkness to you, without divination.───6所以你们必遭遇黑夜, 没有异象; 又必遭遇幽暗, 不能占卜.

The emperor blindly worshipped divination by augury and mystical intepretation of Confucianist texts.───这位皇帝非常迷信谶纬之言.


Consequently, this was a divination of deep significance.

He cheats people in the name of practicing divination.

Most clairvoyants restrict themselves to the pictures for divination.

Last year's divination had proved all too accurate.

A Crystal Balls is an oracle of divination.