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时间:2022-09-28 04:00:09 作者:星火作文 字数:2405字


Small half


小半───Small half


Subei basin is composed of small half grabens and features in closely-spaced faults, small traps, and homogeneous hydrocarbon abundance.───苏北盆地由小型箕状凹陷组成,断层密度高、圈闭面积小、油气贫富不均是其复杂性的主要表现。

you like the big half or the small half?───你愿意要一大半,还是要一小半?。

Just now, he swallowed his urine and this time he really had a great difficulty to squeeze out of a small half.───刚才把尿给咽完了,这回好不容易才挤出了小半瓶。

Opened with a small half glass of water absorption of corn flour, gradually adding milk, dew, the boil into a thick-shaped can.───开盘水吸收的玉米粉小半杯,逐渐加入牛奶,露水,到煮沸厚型可以。

Near my home in a small yard , as if there is a small half-life is necessary to bloom .───在我家附近的一间小破屋子里,仿佛半有一个小生命就要绽开,却又含苞欲放。
