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时间:2022-09-28 04:03:23 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2812字






Peter swept in, with his dignity and insolence.───彼得神气十足, 目空一切地走了进来.

This socialism does not after all offer a magic formula for prosperity and human dignity.───这种社会主义说到底并不能提供实现富足和人格尊严的神奇方案。

All the Greenpeace people behaved with impressive forbearance and dignity.───所有绿色和平组织人士表现出了超乎寻常的克制和大度。

There was elegance and simple dignity in the way he bore himself.───他举止优雅而庄重。

He urged them to adhere to the values of Islam which defend the dignity of man.───他鼓励他们坚守伊斯兰教维护人类尊严的价值观。

A man's dignity depends not upon his wealth or rank but upon his character.───人的真正价值不在财富或地位,而在他的品格.

If you just tried to show normal dignity, you were viewed as uppity.───就算是只想表现出正常的尊严,也会被人认为是骄傲自大。

He sat with such regal dignity.───他以王者之尊严就座。


She behaved with great dignity.

The family faced their ordeal with dignity and courage.

She comported herself with dignity.

She spoke to him with quiet dignity.

He is a man of dignity and calm determination.